2 February 2019
When the snow is falling and time is available, think about researching the plants you would like in your garden in 2019. One idea is to think about the leaves that you would like in your garden. Leaves have shape, size, colour and texture. Leaves can be small, large, spiky, leathery, thick or coloured. They can be white-edged, yellow-edged, marbled, silver, pink, purple, variegated. Some leaves can even tell you what conditions the plant requires to grow. So how do you choose what plant you might want? The first step, before you visit the nursery or plant centre, is to assess your garden conditions. Regarding the soil, do you have clay, loam, sand or rock? Is your garden dry, average, well drained, wet or boggy? Will the garden be in full sun, partial sun (assess how many hours of sun an area will receive), shade or partial shade? Is the area windy or protected? How much time do you have to maintain a garden? Are you creating a new garden or just looking for one plant to fill an open spot? What height and width is required? Doing your plan or research first, before you buy, saves time, money and frustration for yourself and for those assisting you at the garden centre. Now you are ready to choose. Here are a few suggestions: Large Leaf